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Warm Company 124 inch Wide Batting Warm & Natural Cotton by the half yard (551918764077)Warm Company 124 inch Wide Batting Warm & Natural Cotton by the half yard (551918764077)

124in. Wide Batting Warm & Natural Cotton

SKU: 2151WN
$15.00 CAD

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100% cotton batting.

124 inches wide (314cm).

Please Note that batting is sold by the half yard. 
 if you order Qty 1, you will receive 1/2 yard.


Warm & Natural is the finest needle-punched cotton batting! This soft, natural cotton has never been washed or bleached with harsh chemicals. It's kinder to the environment and kinder to your batting. The cotton undergoes a mechanical cleaning process removing all of the seeds, seed coats, along with the majority of leaf and stem remnants. The remaining tiny plant particles lend a special look to crafts like no other and won't harm your quilt.

Quilt or tie up to 10" apart! Quilt Warm & Natural right out of the package, as pre-washing is not necessary. Once quilted, machine wash and dry your finished quilt in cold water. 3% shrinkage can be expected in the first wash with cold water. To achieve an antique puckered look use warm water for 5% shrinkage. Warm & Natural won't distort when hanging, hooping or when used in quilt frames. It can be used for both batting and as an exterior craft fabric to create stuffed snowmen and rabbits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, definitely! All yardage (unless otherwise specified) is cut from the bolt when it comes time to process your order. This means that if you purchase a quantity of 4 (½ yards), we will cut a single 2-yard piece of fabric from the bolt.

Most orders cannot fit in lettermail. However, if you have purchased very specific things, like a pattern or 5 half yards of fabric or less, we can put in in lettermail upon request.

Please keep in mind that lettermail is not tracked and we are not responsible for packages that go missing in the post!

We rip all of our wide backings to ensure accuracy. As wide backing fabric is double folded, cutting isn't as accurate as ripping. Ripping follows the grain, ensuring you get what you ordered.