What Is Cro-Tatting? All About Combining Crochet and Tatting

While many people have heard of crochet and tatting, few have heard the phrase cro-tatting. This is a unique hobby that combines crochet and tatting. For those who have experience with both hobbies, and are looking to create something special, cro-tatting is a great choice. Keep reading to learn exactly what cro-tatting is and all about combining crochet and tatting.
What is crochet?
In the art of crochet, you use a crochet hook to interlock yarn. You can use various hook sizes and yarn sizes, as well as yarn alternatives like threads and other kinds of materials. It’s considered needlework even though you use a hook to do it, and you can create almost anything. People crochet clothes such as shirts, decorative items such as pillowcases, and even practical things such as dishcloths. Anyone can learn to crochet and follow the patterns for the projects they’re interested in.
What is tatting?
Tatting is another form of needlework where you use either a shuttle or a needle to guide thread through a pattern of knots and loops in order to make lace. The combination of knots and loops creates a durable lace that allows creators to use it in a variety of projects, such as making doilies that will help protect furniture. Like other forms of needlework, tatting has core stitches and patterns that anyone can learn to follow. With enough practice and patience, anyone can learn tatting.
What is cro-tatting?
As described above, cro-tatting is a combination of crochet and tatting. When cro-tatting, you use a long, thin crochet hook instead of a needle. In some forms of tatting, you can use a shuttle or needle for the smaller pieces of lacework and then crochet them together. Cro-tatting is more intricate and detailed than regular crochet and more flexible than regular tatting. Sometimes you are working with a combination of the two and sometimes you work with one at a time before joining them together. Different cro-tatting patterns may require different techniques, but they’re all cro-tatting.
Now that you know what cro-tatting is and all about combining crochet and tatting, you can decide if this is a hobby for you. If you’re only interested in crochet or tatting, that’s okay. Lindley General Store offers plenty of supplies for both hobbies, such as tatting needles for sale, as well as supplies that you can use for cro-tatting. Whichever hobby or combination hobby you choose, make sure to take your time learning and enjoy it.