What You Need to Know on How to Start a Crafting Club

What You Need to Know on How to Start a Crafting Club

If crafting is your passion, then it may be time to think about how to start a crafting club. We’ve discussed in previous blogs about how crafting can help you become more sociable and create more meaningful relationships. That plays a big role in why more and more people start crafting clubs—it’s to not only help them improve their craft, but to also surround themselves with others who share the same passion. In fact, according to Statista, “36 percent of those who participate in sewing and fabric crafts engage in those activities at least five hours per day.” Spend a chunk of those hours with others; below, we discuss how to start a crafting club and provide some tips for making it a huge hit!

Figure Out the Logistics

This step is multi-faceted. You’ll need to figure out a few different things before you even start advertising your club. You’ll need to answer the following questions to help you figure out the nitty gritty details about your club.

What kind of crafts will you make?

Maybe you want your club to be a place where everyone can work on whatever craft they want, or maybe you’d prefer that everyone works on and learns the same craft style together. Whatever it is, decide on it now, so you can let members know right from the get-go what they can expect from this club.

How often and what time will you meet?

If you’re busy, then it may be best to limit your crafting sessions to once a month. As the leader, you need to decide how often and what time you’ll meet. In the end, it has to work and fit with your schedule, otherwise the club won’t run well. You also need to keep in mind that the club will be more work for you than just that hour once a month—you’ll need to do a lot of planning—so, budget your time wisely.

Where will you meet?

Another important factor to decide is where you’ll hold your meetings. The public library is often a great choice, as they’ll not only provide the space for you to hold your meetings, but they will also advertise it as well (but remember, it’s still you in charge). You can also opt for your house, or another member’s, if space allows.

Who’s invited?

Is this an advanced-crafters-only club, a mixture, or just for beginners? Make sure to decide on who’s allowed to save yourself from any issues that may arise later on. A mix of crafting experience may be a wonderful thing for your club, since experienced crafters can help the beginners.

Determine If Supplies Will Be Provided

Make sure you decide if supplies will be provided to members for a fee, donated, or if they need to bring their own. Head to various craft stores, and figure out whether they have anything to provide. It may be as much as their leftover fabric, yarn, or needles, and could just be a few quilting, knitting, or tatting books. Otherwise, decide where you’ll get the tools you need and how much it will cost you and your members.

Find Your Mission

Another great thing you should do for craft your club is decide if your group will support a charity or not. In the beginning, you can just stick to refining everyone’s craft, but as your group expands, it may be a great idea to donate work to a charity. After a few meetings, for example, you could decide to all work on one or two bigger projects and donate those to a charity. Whatever you decide to do, a mission can help sustain your club.

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